Stablcal Калибровъчен набор стандарти за мътност, 0 - 4000 NTU

Stablcal Калибровъчен набор стандарти за мътност, 0 - 4000 NTU
Продукт №: 2662105
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Прецизно изготвени, предварително смесени разтвори на формазин

With proprietary manufacturing technology, Hach prepares Stablcal Standards in precise concentrations at a wide variety of concentrations - providing accurate turbidimeter calibrations.

На базата на първични формазинови стандарти

Stablcal Stabilized Formazin Standards contain the same light scattering polymer as traditional Formazin primary turbidity standards - and perform equivalently.

Повишената стабилност пести време и труд

While Formazin primary standards can be prepared directly in the lab, the process is labor intensive and time consuming - and the diluted standards are not stable. Stablcal is a stabilised version of Formazin - providing repeatable results, without the time and effort required for lab-prepared standards.

Доверие в резултатите

Hach was the first to apply Formazin as a turbidity standard in the drinking water industry, more than 40 years ago. Stablcal standards are based on decades of experience in turbidity measurement.


Инструмент: 2100N, 2100N IS, TL2300 and TL2310 IS
Концентрация: < 0,1, 20, 200, 1000, 4000 NTU
Обем / опаковка, размер: Набор от 5
Параметър: Мътност