Digital Titrator with plastic case

Продукт №: 1690001
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Portable and robust digital Titrator for fast and precise titrations. High resolution (125µL/digit) and high accuracy (±1%). Easy handling. Applications for more than 40 parameters with interchangeable cartridges.
Incl. plastic case, manual & accessories.
The Digital Titrator methods use a high-precision dispensation device and cartridges of concentrated titrant to allow analyses in the lab, the plant or the field. Interchangeable Cartridges allow to change titrant in seconds. No cleaning or rinsing of burets is necassary. The number used for calculation of sample concentration is recorded directly from digital counter. For many methods, the displayed value represents the concentration directly.

  • Accurate results - when and where you need them
  • Fast and Flexible
  • Versatile
  • Economical